Black WalnutZone  4 H(50-60′) W(25-30′)
3 gal. 
5 gal.

Bicentennial Black Walnut

Juglans nigra ‘Bicentennial’
Mature trees characteristically have long trunks, often little or no lower branching. Sharply ridged, dark gray-black bark. Small yellow green flowers appear in late spring, but aren’t particularly showy. Leaves are late to emerge in spring and early to drop in fall. Produces edible nuts. *While many plants grow well in proximity to black walnut, there are certain plant species whose growth is hindered by this tree. Plants adversely affected by being grown near black walnut trees exhibit symptoms such as foliar yellowing, wilting, and eventual death. Toxins released by most parts of the plant (roots, walnut’s buds, nut hulls, leaves and stems) can cause harm to livestock, and other animals as well. Because decaying roots still release juglone, toxicity can persist for some years after a tree is removed.

